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Kazan Chamber Orchestra

World premiere of rock-liturgy "Pantikapeyskiy diary" will be in Kazan

World premiere of rock-liturgy "Pantikapeyskiy diary" will be in Kazan
The premiere will be presented on the 26th of October at the joint concert of the Kazan Chamber Orchestra La Primavera and Oleg Sakmarov’s creative group

"Pantikapeyskiy Diary" – is the name of the new concert program of the orchestra La Primavera. It is a joint creative project with the famous Russian musician Oleg Sakmarov. On the 26th of October on the stage of the SGCH named after S. Saydashev for the first time there will be his rock liturgy "Pantikapeyskiy Diary" and the poem by Kira Sakmarova "Orpheus and Eurydice - 2000 years later". Both works, according to the authors – are of ancient and oriental trend.


"Oleg showed me sketches of the "Diary" a year ago, during this time we returned to them, in the end we got a very interesting program, in my opinion, - said the artistic director and conductor of the orchestra La Primavera Rustem Abyazov.


Anton Belskiy , the leading actor of the Theater at Nikiskie Vorota (Nikitskie Gate), will have the role of the main character of the rock-poem, Vitaly Poghosyan from St. Petersburg will play the duduk, the winner of the All-Russian contest "Many faces of the guitar" Mikhail Fomichev (Moscow) will play the guitar, Boris Golik (Moscow), a star of TV show "Amazing people", will perform the vocal parts, also in the concert the musicians of the groups "Zerna (grains)" and "Sakmarov band" Andrey Churkin and Andrey Djukov will take part in the concert. "Pantikapeyskiy Diary" will be accompanied by video, that was made by the actor Anton Sorokin.

In the second part there will be music from famous movies, which will also be accompanied by video. The concert is dedicated to the Year of the Russian cinema.

"I want to emphasize that all participants of the show are my close friends, many of whom are colleagues from the group "KarTush", and we studied together with Rustem Abyazov in the music special school at the Kazan Conservatory and have been friends for exactly 50 years! And it means, that the expected performance of mystical and esoteric tendency is for me first of all - real rock 'n' roll, which combines friendship, love, and going beyond "I" – that’s the most important thing,"- wrote Oleg Sakmarov on his page in the social network.

The concert will also be a part of the new project of the orchestra - "Ten-year brotherhood" with participation of the graduates of the famous "ten-year" period at the Kazan State Conservatory, who at present perform successfully all over the world.

Oleg Sakmarov – is a musician, multi-instrumentalist, soloist of the leading rock bands, musicologist, journalist, author of songs and instrumental music of various genres, musical director and author of the music of the group "Patapan" in the theater "Lenkom". He has performed as a member of the groups "Aquarium", "BG-Band", "Vyhod (Exit)", "Nautilus Pompilius", "U-Piter", "KarTush", a member of the project "Strangers" by Ilya Kormiltsev, «SAK-MAR» and «Sakmarov band."

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