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Kazan Chamber Orchestra

La Primavera opens new season

La Primavera opens new season
The Orchestra La Primavera calls the season opening with participation of Gilles Apap as a postponed concert of the festival L'arte del arco, on which the world-famous violinist could not come to Kazan because of visa problems

"Fortunately, this time no force majeure has happened. This morning Gilles has arrived to Kazan and today he will have a first rehearsal with the Orchestra. We are happy that we have an opportunity to present one of the most interesting violinists in the world to Kazan audience", - said the artistic director and conductor of the Kazan chamber orchestra La Primavera Rustem Abyazov.

Gilles Apap gives concerts at international festivals in Lille, Reynhau, in India and Australia. As a soloist he works with orchestras of Bern, San Francisco, Geneva, Istanbul, as well as Israel, Hungary, France, Russia, Germany, Canada, and many others. The Western press calls Gilles Apap a "rebellious star" for his style of performance, sitting on the edge of the stage and swinging his legs, even in the most well-known concert halls. He can suddenly interrupt the performance to talk to the audience.  But these liberties are forgiven for his rare talent. In the USA and Europe Gilles Apap is called a "bohemian soul."

He brought to Kazan the Fifth Violin Concerto by Mozart - with his famous cadenzas. The performance in this interpretation was given only a few times. Kazan audience will have a premiere. Apap will also introduce "Gypsy Airs" by Sarasate and Celtic traditional music - in his arrangements. Kazan audience will appreciate his performance on the 12th of October.

La Primavera opens the new concert season, returning from a big tour along the Trans-Siberian Railway. Before the official opening of the season, the orchestra was also able to visit the famous international festival "Crazy Days" (La Folle Journée) in Yekaterinburg and recorded two discs "Overtones of ancestral lands", which included music of composers of Tatarstan.

In the upcoming season the musicians promise already well-known projects to the audience - "Stars of Tomorrow", "Chariot Clio", "Melodies from mobile phone" and new ones, including "Ten-year Brotherhood" - a series of concerts with participation of graduates of the famous ten-year period at the Kazan State Conservatory, a children's project "What's there inside?", festivals L'arte del arco and "Abyazov - festival".

In the new season there will be brilliant musicians, performing with the orchestra on the stage: Roby Lakotash, Arkadiy Shilkloper, State String Quartet named after M.I. Glinka, Sophia Gulyak, Graf Murzha, Ilya Hoffman, Domenico Nordio, Oleg Sakmarov, Juliya Ziganshina, Evgeniy Finkelstein and musicians, who are just starting their way to the big stage.

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