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Kazan Chamber Orchestra


Upcoming concerts

Stabat Mater Перголези – «Реквием Моцарта» эпохи барокко
Stabat Mater by Pergolesi – “Requiem by Mozart” of the baroque!
02 Oct
«Музыкальное обозрение - OPUS 35»
All-Russian festival “Musical review – OPUS 35”
18 Oct
Альфред Шнитке. Последний гений XX века
Alfred Schnittke. The last genius of the XX century.
08 Nov
Абязов-фестиваль: La Primavera – 35
Dedicated to the orchestra La Primavera! Happy birthday, orchestra!
29 Nov

To buy a ticket



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© 2016 Kazan Chamber Orchestra La Primavera
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